Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It Takes a Village - Gratitude Lately - VAP

Grateful for:

-family being a team sport! H is sick and we are playing like a team to take care of him (mostly my hubs is!). 
"rolling with the punches"

-running hugs and kisses from my oldest at the bus stop! eek  I thought he had grown out of the public display of loving your mom but its back and I couldn't be happier!!!! 

-friendly hellos from two strangers on the street while walking to work! Shows that we are all human and connected even for a second.

grateful lover

count down = 3 days til your back!! 
I am dying with things to share with you and I CANT WAIT to hear all your fabulous stories.

Definition for the day
Mindfulness is deliberately paying full attention to what is happening around you and within you -in your body, heart, and mind.  Mindfulness is awareness without criticism or judgement.
-How to Train a Wild Elephant

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